Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Assignment 9 - Knowledge Patterns I

Scripts in Design//


In this assignment basic of programming and automating the knowledge patterns in digital project was practiced through different frame work generations. This presentation is part of the modeling and results.
Goals //

1// Practicing the steps (model creation- UDF creation - catalog file creation- UDF instantiation) to script the frame work.
2// Using different framework generation methods.
These methods were practiced (projection- intersection- rotation- symmetry)

3// Refining the model by increasing the counter.
# 1


loft surface + intersection + symmetry (mirror)


By using "mirror" command we can produce two outputs for your UDF.
You need to add the second output for your UDF in the output bar.

By changing the UDF just the mirror image is created and the fill surface is kept as the second part.

# 2
In this part I worked on some open multisections.
Different frame work generations were tested and good information were gained about different ERRORS !

in this part projection method was used to project a moving line on the surface.

# Design file

# Modelling
This model was tested with different UDF s to create frame work. The pictures of the frame works for two forms are presented here.

Frames in the long direction
Frames in the short direction 


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