Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 3 - Frame Work Form


Simulation driven design my refer to the certain process of design in which design is developed through physical or mathematical simulation of the phenomenon based on design variables.
In this project as a practice of “design as simulation” I tried to develop a design for the structural frame work and the surface form of a pedestrian bridge.
The process of form generation of the frame work is controlled based on different parameters of the bridge. The generated forms are analyzed under self-weight of the structure to determine the deflection. The goal of the simulation is controlling the form based on the maximum deflection.

parameters of design//
In this design different perimeters are introduced to enable an acceptable design 

#1 Overall Span
Span of the two big ellipses
#3 Width of the ellipses
#4 Heights of the ellipses
#5 Inclination of the ellipses

Lets take a look at different forms generated by messing with different design variables//

Form #1


Form #2


Form # 3


Simulation based design

taking the form 1 and considering the span between the two major ellipse as  the design perimeter we tried to controlling the form based on the maximum deflection.

Generation 1 middle span = 30

MAX displacement = 100/100 

Generation 2 middle span = 50

MAX displacement = 89.7/100 

Generation 3 middle span = 70

MAX displacement = 88/100

The design variable enables us to control form and displacements, also considering the diversity of forms generated by using just one perimeter is very interesting, it somehow suggests that generation of unpredictable forms are possible by considering multiple variables through an appropriate design procedure !!

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